Friday, September 6, 2013

Rihanna Beyounce & Jayz Bodyguard Murdered By Police After Naked Drug Violence

Norman Oosterbroek also known as 'Dutch Giant', was once bodyguard to Rihanna, Jay Z, Beyounce, and Nelson Mandela. According to Miami authorities, Oosterbroek was high on drugs, naked and carrying a white, powdery substance with one hand. He broke into her apartment and began beating her until police arrived.

The police were forced to shoot him with tasers. Unfortunately, the electric shock meant to calm him was too much for Oosterbroek. He died moments later at the hospital.

The police are defending their actions in the situation. The spokeswoman Nancy Perez says:

"He was highly violent, uncontrollable and obviously wasn't stable."

A full autopsy would be done soon, but the initial reports say Oosterbroek's condition was due to excessive intake of cocaine use.

Is a pity how drug could even take the life of those believed to be the strongest.

See more photos after the cut....


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