Tuesday, September 10, 2013

SHOCKING: Georgian Woman Embalmed Son's Corpse For 18 Years In Family House (PHOTOS)

The woman in the picture is Mrs Tsiuri Kvaratskhelia, from Georgia, eastern Europe, has been embalming her son Joni Bakaradze, for the past 18 years to proof her undying love for him. Joni Bakaradze, died 1995, whose cause of death remain unknown, and ever since has been in his mum custody as she kept his corpse in a wooden coffin beneath the family home in Georgia. She said the idea on how to preserve her deceased son's body came to her in a dream, when she heard a voice that told her to preserve Joni body by rubbing alcohol so from that time, she has been using wet sheets dipped in alcohol to preserve the body. She further explained that the voice also warned her not to leave the body without the sheets overnight as the skin will turn black as charcoal.

When asked why she has not buried his body, she explain:

Read, and see more photos after the cut....

‘He wanted his kid to see him that way. I believe from that point on the kid started to love his father’

‘For 10 years I've been changing his clothes on his birthday. Only the past four years I was unable to do so.'

‘He was a good man, a good husband, not the way he is now.’

In the room where Joni was kept, there is a small window in the basement where family, friends, and passers by can see the wonders of 18 years old dead body. The deceased body is finally beginning to decompose because Mrs Kvaratskhelia has been too weak to take care of him due to her ailment.

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